Mettere un MacBook in un frigorifero per rinfrescarlo danneggerebbe?


Mettere un MacBook in un frigorifero per rinfrescarlo danneggerebbe?
Mettere un MacBook in un frigorifero per rinfrescarlo danneggerebbe?

Video: Mettere un MacBook in un frigorifero per rinfrescarlo danneggerebbe?

Video: Mettere un MacBook in un frigorifero per rinfrescarlo danneggerebbe?
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Tutti noi abbiamo avuto problemi con i nostri dispositivi che si surriscaldano di tanto in tanto, ma la disperazione per facilitare o risolvere il problema potrebbe portare a soluzioni non ortodosse. Con questo in mente, il post di Q & A di SuperUser di oggi ha le risposte alle domande di un lettore preoccupato.
Tutti noi abbiamo avuto problemi con i nostri dispositivi che si surriscaldano di tanto in tanto, ma la disperazione per facilitare o risolvere il problema potrebbe portare a soluzioni non ortodosse. Con questo in mente, il post di Q & A di SuperUser di oggi ha le risposte alle domande di un lettore preoccupato.

La sessione di domande e risposte di oggi ci viene fornita per gentile concessione di SuperUser, una suddivisione di Stack Exchange, un raggruppamento di domande e risposte basato sulla comunità.

Foto per gentile concessione di rust.bucket (Flickr).

La domanda

Il lettore SuperUser kenorb vuole sapere se posizionare un MacBook in un frigorifero per raffreddarlo danneggerà:

I have a longstanding problem with my laptops (MacBook Air and Pro) overheating, especially during hot summer days. I have found that keeping them in a refrigerator for half an hour makes a dramatic difference in their performance. However, I am afraid of the side effects and that the laptops may stop working because of moisture getting into the internal parts.

How safe is it to put a laptop in a refrigerator? Is keeping it in a sleeve case or a plastic bag enough to protect the laptop? Does the temperature and time spent in a refrigerator also matter (i.e. half an hour is an optimal time)? Is it a bad idea overall and can it quickly damage the laptop (assuming it is in Sleep mode so that it is basically turned off)?

Mettendo un MacBook in un frigorifero per raffreddarlo danneggiarlo?

La risposta

Collaboratori SuperUser Cand3r, Peter e mycowan hanno la risposta per noi. Per prima cosa, Cand3r:

The concern is not really the time during which your laptop is in the refrigerator, but after you take it out. The cold laptop/parts will pull water out of the air after it is taken out of the refrigerator, even if it was in a plastic bag. Think of a glass of water. It does not “sweat” while it is in the refrigerator, but if you take it out on a hot day it does.

The other concern is, depending on the temperature difference you are “creating”, some extra wear and tear on the components due to the expanding and contracting of parts.

The only thing I can think of to recommend is getting a laptop dock with fans built into it to help move air around the laptop.

Seguito dalla risposta di Peter:

As others have already said, you are killing your laptop with the condensation. Some better solutions are:

  • You say the laptop is still under warranty. Use the warranty.
  • Use bottled air to clean the fans without opening the laptop up (and voiding the warranty).
  • Search Google for laptop cooling pads. The ones with larger fans make less noise.

E la nostra risposta finale da mycowan:

I had a similar overheating problem with my MacBook where the fan was always spinning away. My solution was to freeze an ice pack, wrap it in a tea towel to absorb moisture, and then sit my MacBook on that.

After a few minutes, the fan stopped and my MacBook was happily cooled.
After a few minutes, the fan stopped and my MacBook was happily cooled.

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